Monday, March 14, 2011

$5K collected so far for fireworks show

March 13, 2011
Article From: The Maui News
LAHAINA – After a month of fundraising, the Maui Chamber of Commerce has garnered more than $5,000 toward its goal of collecting $50,000 to pay for a Fourth of July fireworks show off Front Street.

Donations came from 14 businesses and individuals, including “major contributors” the Hard Rock Cafe, Expeditions Lahaina Ferry Co., the Wharf Cinema Center, Kimo’s Restaurant and the Pacific Whale Foundation.

Others who helped the chamber raise 12 percent of its goal thus far included The Maui News, Lahaina News, David Paul’s Island Grill, Atlantis Submarines, Maui USA Realty, state Sen. Roz Baker, Realtor Joe Pluta, Lokelani Construction, Lahaina Inn and Maui Communicators.

Businesses or individuals who want to contribute should contact the chamber at 244-0081.

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Developer to speak at Waikapu meeting

WAIKAPU – Developer Mike Atherton will speak at a Waikapu Community Association meeting at 7 p.m. Monday at the Waikapu Community Center.

He will discuss Waikapu Country Town project conceptual plans involving the area around his Maui Tropical Plantation and makai of Honoapiilani Highway.

Atherton’s commentary “relates directly to the ongoing review of the Maui Island Plan now before the Maui County Council,” a news release said.

For more information, contact Waikapu Community Association officials by sending e-mail to

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Mayor to speak at Rotary Club lunch

KAHULUI – Mayor Alan Arakawa will speak to the Rotary Club of Kahului at noon Monday in the Class Act restaurant at the University of Hawaii Maui College.

Club members will get an update on the state of the county.

The club meets from 11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m. Mondays in the college’s Pa’ina Building, second floor. Lunch costs $20, or there’s a $5 program fee.

For more information, call 875-0500 or send e-mail to club President Leslie Mullens at

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Work force issues highlight of forum

KAHULUI – Work force development issues and initiatives will take center stage Wednesday at a community forum sponsored by the Aging with Aloha Coalition.

The event is set for 4 to 6 p.m. at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Cultural Hall, 125 W. Kamehameha Ave. in Kahului. The coalition will share information about initiatives its partners have designed and implemented to support growth in Maui’s work force.

Speakers include Teisha Zablan, Coalition Workforce Education Committee chairwoman; Dr. Alfred Arensdorf, president of the Maui County Medical Society and Coalition co-chairman of its Policy and Advocacy Committee; and Coalition Director Rita Barreras.

For more information about the forum and to volunteer, call 871-7749.